The Inbound Routes module is where you define how the PBX handles incoming calls. Typically, you determine the phone number that outside callers have called (DID Number) and then indicate which extension, Ring Group, Voicemail, or other destination to which the call should be directed.
- Routing Method, here you can either be the Telephony channel for an analog port (FXO), or default for all other inbound routes like E1, T2, Sip or IAX trunk. From version 2.3.8 onward it is possible to route a DID range to an extension number. For example, if I have the DID range from 1 (305) 6724 7100 to 1 (305) 6724 7200, it is possible to get the last four digits of the DID and route it to the corresponding extension.
- Description*, short description to identify this DID. This field is used to hold a description to help you remember what this particular inbound route is for. This field is not parsed by vPBX.
- DID Pattern*, expected number or pattern. This field is used when DID-based routing is desired. The phone number of the DID to be matched should be entered in this field. The DID number must match the format in which the provider is sending the DID. Many providers will send the DID information with the call as +15555555555, while others will leave out the country code information and simply send 5555555555. If the DID entered in this field does not exactly match the number sent by the provider, then the inbound route will not be used. This field can be left blank to match calls from any DIDs (this will also match calls that have no DID information).
- This field also allows patterns to match a range of numbers. Patterns must begin with an underscore (_) to signify that they are patterns. Within patterns, X will match the numbers 0 through 9, and specific numbers can be matched if they are placed between square parentheses. For example, to match both 555-555-1234 and 555-555-1235, the pattern would be _555555123[45].
- CID Pattern, CID number or CID pattern to match. This can be used when CID-based routing is preferred. As with the DID Number field, the CID entered in this field must exactly match the format in which the provider is sending the CID. Providers may send 7, 10, or 11 digits; they may include a country code and the plus symbol. Check with your provider to see the format in which the CID is sent, in order to ensure that this field is entered correctly.
- The Caller ID Number field can be left blank to match with any CIDs (this will also match calls that have no CID information sent with them). The field allows Private, Blocked, Unknown, Restricted, Anonymous, and Unavailable values to be entered, as many providers will send these in the CID number data.
Leaving both the DID Number and Caller ID Number fields blank will create a route that matches all calls.
- Caller ID Modifier, this allows you to modify the caller id name/number.
- CID Lookup, it allows you to select a CID Lookup item to search the incoming caller number into a directory of a CRM or a cloud directory, or other and set the correct CID Name.
- Language, this option specifies the language setting to be used for this route. This will force all prompts specific to the route to be played in the selected language, provided that the language is installed and voice prompts for the specified language exist on your server. This field is not required. If left blank, prompts will be played in the default language of the VitalPBX server.
- Music on Hold, this drop-down menu allows you to select the music-on-hold class for this route. Whenever a caller accessing this route is placed on hold, they will hear the music on hold defined in the class selected here. This is often used for companies that use their music on hold to advertise services, or that accept calls in multiple different languages. Calls to a French DID might play a music-on-hold class with French advertisements, while an English DID would play a class with English advertisements.
- Alert Info, to set a distinctive ring for this inbound route. There does not yet seem to be a standard for how to tell a SIP phone that you want it to ring with a distinctive ring. On SIP handsets that do support distinctive ringing, the exact method of specifying distinctive ring varies from one model to another. In many cases this is done by sending a SIP_ALERT_INFO header, but the usage of this header is not consistent. This is often used for SIP endpoints that can ring differently, or auto-answer calls based on the SIP_ALERT_INFO text that is received. Any inbound call that matches this route will send the text in this field to any SIP device that receives the call.
- Enable Recording, enable call recording on this route.
Privacy Manager section
- Privacy Manager, this drop-down menu is used to enable or disable the VitalPBX privacy manager functionality. When enabled, incoming calls that arrive without an associated caller ID number will be prompted to enter their telephone number. Callers will be given a number of attempts (as defined in the Max attempts field, below) to enter this information before their call is disconnected.
Fax Settings
- Fax Detection, this determines whether faxes should be detected on this route. If fax detection is enabled, additional parameters can be configured, and a dropdown will appear which is used to select the extension to which the inbound faxes will be directed. Typically, this extension is a DAHDI extension that has a physical fax machine plugged into it. However, it may also be a virtual extension that will be answered by VitalPBX. The program will accept faxes and turn them into digital documents for review.
If fax detection is disabled, fax detection will not be used for calls on this route. Any fax calls will be handled just like voice calls.
Destination* Section
- Select Module, allows the user to choose from a drop-down list of available modules, which module should be activated.
- Select Destination, this is the call target to which the module should be routed.