Fix Incorrect time in FreePBX
Fix Incorrect time in FreePBX
It’s important to keep the correct time in FreePBX, especially if your system has time conditions enabled. If you notice your server has the incorrect time, the first place you will want to check is the FreePBX web interface under Admin -> System Admin -> Time Zone:
Make sure to click Submit after making any changes.
If you’re still seeing the incorrect time on your system, you will need to make sure that the time sync service is running. On FreePBX 14+, systems use the chronyd service to sync time; versions 13 and earlier use the ntp service (Network Time Protocol).
To make sure the time sync service is running, you will need to login via SSH as the root user, using a tool such as PuTTY ( The root password was sent in the Account Information Email when you first signed up for FreePBX Hosting.
Once you’re logged into your PBX, you can check that time sync is running using the commands below:
service ntpd status
systemctl status chronyd
To restart time sync services:
service ntpd restart
systemctl restart chronyd
To ensure time sync service is configured to run on boot:
chkconfig ntpd on
systemctl enable chronyd
To see which servers your PBX is syncing time with, run this command:
ntpq -p
If you have any questions or need help checking the time sync service on your FreePBX server, feel free to open a support ticket.