Mexico DID Coverage
DID Coverage for Mexico
- Acapulco (52744)
- Celaya (524611)
- Cdad Acuna (52877)
- Chihuahua (52614)
- Cdad Victoria (52834)
- Durango (52618)
- Guaymas (52622)
- Mazatlan (52669)
- Cancun (52998)
- Pachuca De Soto (52771)
- Queretaro (524424)
- Culiacan (52667)
- Cuernavaca (52777)
- Guadalajara (5233)
- Nogales (52631)
- Hermosillo (52662)
- Guanajuato (52473)
- Tepic (52311)
- San Luis Potosi (524442)
- Matamoros (52868)
- Irapuato (524623)
- Merida (52999)
- Mexico City (5255)
- Mexicali (52686)
- Toluca (52722)
- Xalapa (52228)
- Tijuana (52664)
- Nuevo Laredo (52867)
- Morelia (52443)
- Monterrey (5281)
- Reynosa (52899)
- Saltillo (52844)
- Tampico (52833)
- Torreon (52871)
- Zacatecas (52492)
- Leon (52477)
- Queretaro (52442)
- Aguascalientes (52449)
- celaya 52461 (52461)
- Puebla (52222)
- Veracruz (52229)
Legal Restriction(s):
DIDs from Argentina can not be assigned to companies based in Argentina.
Only 822 number can be used with calling cards applications. Local numbers and tollfree 800 numbers cannot be used for calling card applications.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Argentina.
International reachability issues have been reported for calls to phone numbers from Buenos Aires.
T.38 is not supported.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Local NRA(s) :
Comision Nacional de Comunicaciones (CNC)
54 11 4347 9544
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by Magic Telecom, Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Cannot be used for post-paid calling card applications.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free may not be reachable from other countries than Australia.
Toll-Free numbers are reachable from fix, mobiles and payphones.
Calling a Toll-Free number from a mobile phone is not free of charge.
T.38 is supported for numbers purchased after June 24, 2011. Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Local NRA(s) :
Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecomunications (RTR) 43 1 580 58 0
Legal Restriction(s):
For Bahrain numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by Magic Telecom, Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free numbers are reachable from fix phones and payphones only. They are not reachable from mobile phones.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Bahrain.
SMS is not supported.
FAX is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Local NRA(s) :
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) 973 1752 0000
Legal Restriction(s):
One stage sub-allocation of numbers allowed provided customer is a licensed operator or service provider.
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by [Magic Telecom], Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Customer has the obligation to be able to identify users of Belgian DIDs through trustworthy information.
Service Restriction(s):
Reachability issues have been reported when dialing the 78 numbers from several carriers outside Belgium.
Although T.38 is supported, compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
Non Geographical numbers cannot access Emergency services.
DID - Mobile cannot be used for calling card or conference applications.
International reachability issues exist for inbound voice and SMS on DID - Mobile numbers. Please use our ticketing system to report such issues as we are working on extending international reachability.
Local NRA(s) :
Belgian Institute for Post and Telecommunications (BIPT) 32 2 226 88 88
Legal Restriction(s):
Numbers cannot be assigned to residents or companies registered in Brazil
Service Restriction(s):
Intermittent national and international reachability issues have been reported for DID numbers from Porto Alegre DIDs (area code 51) and Salvador (area code 71).
SMS is not supported.
Due to the regulatory framework in Brazil, we need the LOA signed by the current owner of the number to be able to port-in numbers. In Brazil, the owner of the number is the operator to whom these numbers were allocated instead of the end user. In order to get the current owner of the number, you can use the following link: Additionally to this LOA signed by the current owner of the number, we will need the last invoice of the service provided for these numbers.
Although FAX is supported,compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Brazil.
Local NRA(s) :
Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes (ANATEL) 55 61 312 2336
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by Magic Telecom, Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Suballocation of numbers is allowed provided customer is a notified operator or service provider.
When necessary, Magic Telecom will undertake actions aiming at out-of-court collection of outstanding monetary obligations as set forth in Decision 1973 of 27 September 2012 of the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC)
Service Restriction(s):
T.38 is not supported.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Local NRA(s) :
Communication Regulation Commission
Legal Restriction(s):
Any provider with annual Canadian telecommunications service revenues exceeding $10 million in the previous fiscal year, as reported to the CRTC under the contribution regime, is required to be a member of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (Decision CRTC 2007-130 on the establishment of an independent telecommunications consumer agency).
The primary method of routing of emergency calls is not available for the entire territory of Canada; therefore a second routing solution is used according to the applicable regulatory framework which may cause the the following limitations: 1. when the end-user places the emergency call, this may be routed to an Emergency Services Center other than the Emergency Services Center that would normally receive the emergency call placed from the end-user location; 2. the end-user physical location and CLI will not be presented to the Emergency Services Centers; 3. in the event that the end-user cannot speak, no information will be provided to the Emergency Services Centers in order to contact Magic Telecom to obtain information that could allow them to dispatch emergency services to the end-user's location.
Customer should provide end-users one or more methods of updating their registered location. Any method used must allow end-user to update the registered location at will and in a timely manner.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free numbers are reachable from Canada and US mainland (48 states)
Toll-Free numbers are reachable from fix, mobile and payphones in Canada. They are not reachable from payphones in the US. CLI info from mobile phones can not be guaranteed.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
Reachability issues from Telkomsel (Indonesia) and Telcel (Mexico) have been reported for SMS.
The maximum number of SMS messages a DID - Mobile number can send per day is limited to 500.
We accept a maximum of 4 SMS message per-second. Messages may be rejected if this rate is not respected.
Local NRA(s) :
Canadian Radio and TV Commission (CRTC) 1 819 997 0313
Legal Restriction(s):
No restriction reported.
Service Restriction(s):
T38 is not supported.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is only available for geographical numbers from Santiago.
Reachability issues have been reported when dialing 44 national numbers from outside Chile.
Local NRA(s) :
Subseceretaria de Telecommunicacaiones (SUBTEL) 56 2 421 30 00
Legal Restriction(s):
Numbers cannot be assigned to residents or companies registered in China.
Numbers cannot be used for calling card applications.
Service Restriction(s):
SMS is not supported.
T.38 is not supported.
FAX is not supported
Diversion is not supported
Number portability is not available
Intermittent international reachability problems may occur on geographical numbers (Toll-Free - Special numbers)
Toll-Free - Shared costs numbers can only be reachable from China
SMS is not supported.
Local NRA(s) :
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Numbers cannot be assigned to residents or companies registered in Colombia.
For Toll-Free numbers (prefix 800) from Colombia, a global address of the end user (place of residence/business) is required. The customer will submit to [Magic Telecom] the required address before activating the number and keep the information updated during use.
Legal Restriction(s):
DID numbers are limited to 2 channels (or simultaneous calls) per number. Nevertheless, we can increase the call capacity per number to 10 or 30. For Bogotá we support n x 30 channels on request.
Intermittent international reachability and DTMF issues may prevail.
Calling cards services are not permitted to use geographical numbers
T.38 is not supported.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Colombia.
Local NRA(s) :
Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC) 5713198300
Costa Rica
For Costa Rica numbers, details of the end user (place of residence/business) must be submitted (Name or Business Name, and Contact Phone Numbers) along with worldwide address.
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) corresponding to relevant geographic zone is required. The customer will submit to [Magic Telecom] the required address before activating the number and keep the information updated during use.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Croatia.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Local NRA(s) :
Hrvatska Agencija za Telekomunikacije 385 1 4896 000
Legal Restriction(s):
User must submit Name, business name and contact phone numbers. Along with government issued ID/Passport or company registration certificate, worldwide address, and proof of address.
Calling cards applications can be provided with Toll-Free only. Company must also be registered with the Cyprus NRA (CYTA).
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from payphones.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Cyprus.
T38 is not supported.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is available for legal entities based in Cyprus only.
Local NRA(s) :
Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (OCECPR) 357 22693000
Ministry of Communications and Works 357 22800288 Republic
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by Magic Telecom, Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Only "828" Toll-Free numbers can be used for calling card applications and not other Toll-Free nor DID numbers.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free numbers (range 828) are not reachable from Mobiles
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Czech Republic.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
910 and Toll-Free numbers cannot be ported.
Local NRA(s) :
Czech Telecommunication Office 420 224 004 111
Legal Restrictions(s):
For geographical numbers, the customer shall provide name, address and passport number or business registration number of the end user. The customer will submit to [Magic Telecom] the required information before activating the number and will keep the information updated during use. Upon request of [Magic Telecom] customer must be able to provide a proof of address within 24 hours, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Service Restriction(s):
There is no link between geographical location and area code in Denmark. Therefore the phone numbers offered by Magic Telecom are classified as "geographical" in our systems, but can be used for all cities.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from payphones.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Denmark.
SMS is not supported.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
Local NRA(s) :
Danish Business Authority 45 35 29 10 00
Dominican Republic
Legal Restriction(s):
No restriction reported.
Service Restriction(s):
Intermittent international reachability issues have been reported.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Local NRA(s) :
Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones
El Salvador
Legal Restriction(s):
DIDs cannot be used for calling card applications.
Service Restriction(s):
DIDs are limited to a maximum of 5 concurrent calls. Nevertheless, we can increase the call capacity per number to 10 or n x 30 channels on request.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Intermittent international reachability issues have been reported.
Local NRA(s) :
Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecommunicaciones 503 257 44 38
Legal Restriction(s):
No restriction reported.
Service Restriction(s):
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Only national numbers are portable.
National numbers may not be reachable from foreign networks.
Local NRA(s) :
Estonian Technical Surveillance Authority 372 667 2080
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by [Magic Telecom], Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
DID - Mobile numbers can only be used for Person to Person communication.
SMS Outbound Feature is a Person-to-Person service and may be used by our customers or their subscribers for sending person-to-person traffic only. The message must be initiated due to human interaction. SMS Outbound Feature cannot be used for sending bulk notifications or other marketing campaigns which do not comply with the usage of long virtual numbers.
Service Restriction(s):
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is only supported on DID - Mobile numbers
The maximum number of SMS messages a DID - Mobile number can send per day is limited to 2000.
Local NRA(s) :
Finnish Communication Regulatory Authority 358 9 6966 500
Ministry of Transport and Communications 358 9 160 02
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) corresponding to relevant geographic zone is required. The customer will submit to Magic Telecom the required address before activating the number and keep the information updated during use.
Mobile numbers cannot be ported.
Service Restriction(s):
Reachability issues have been reported when dialing (0)811, (0)805 (only if ported from Verizon) and (0)9 numbers from outside France.
SMS is not supported on geographical and national numbers.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
Fixed number portability is not available with all operators. You have a list of supported operators in the porting section when selecting the country.
Nomadic (09), Mobile (07) and Non Geographical numbers cannot access Emergency Services.
International reachability for voice and SMS cannot be guaranteed.
Local NRA(s) :
Autorite de regulation des Communications electroniques et des Postes 33 1 40 47 70 00
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers (Tibilisi ), a local address is required in the city corresponding to the geographical zone of requested number. The address will be substantiated by an objective document showing a link between user and address.
Service Restriction(s):
Reachability issues have been reported when dialing (0)706 numbers from outside of Georgia.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
FAX is not supported.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Local NRA(s) :
Georgian National Communications Commission 995 921667
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, a local address is required in the city corresponding to the geographical zone of requested number. The address will be substantiated by an objective document showing a link between user and address.
For national numbers, the address of the end user (place of residence/business) in Germany is required. The customer will submit to Magic Telecom the required address before activating the number and keep the information updated during use.
For Toll-Free numbers (prefix 800) from Germany, a global address of the end user (place of residence/business) is required. The address will be substantiated by an objective document showing a link between user and address.
Only one stage sub-allocation of Toll-Free numbers is allowed
Service Restriction(s):
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
FAX is only supported for all numbers purchased after 1 April 2011.
SMS is not supported.
Number porting is only for numbers associated to a subscriber line.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Germany.
Non Geographical numbers cannot access Emergency services.
Local NRA(s) :
Federal Network for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway(BnetzA) 49 2 28 14 0
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by [Magic Telecom], Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Toll-free (Toll-Free) numbers and geographical numbers cannot be used for calling card applications.
Service Restriction(s):
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Greece.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from payphones.
Local NRA(s) :
National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) 30 210 615 1000
Hong Kong
Legal Restriction(s):
DIDs cannot be used for calling card applications.
The user shall provide name and address, passport number or business registration number. The customer will transmit to [Magic Telecom] the documents justifying that the information is valid and correct before activation and keep the information updated during use.
Service Restriction(s):
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Local NRA(s) :
Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) 852 2961 6333
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) corresponding to relevant geographic zone is required. The customer will submit to [Magic Telecom] the required address before activating the number and keep the information updated during use.
Suballocation of numbers is allowed provided that customer is a notified operator or service provider.
Service Restriction(s):
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Reachability issues have been reported when dialing Toll-Free numbers from outside Hungary.
Local NRA(s) :
National Media and Infocommunications Authority, Hungary
36 1 375 7777, 36 1 457 7100. Magic Telecom direct line for NP inquiries in Hungary: 36 1 701 0000
Legal Restriction(s):
Numbers cannot be used for calling card applications.
Numbers cannot be assigned to residents or companies registered in India.
Service Restriction(s):
SMS is not supported.
T.38 is not supported.
FAX is not supported.
Diversion is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
End-users from India must activate "International dialing" on their account in order to be able to dial India ITFS.
Toll-Free numbers are reachable from the following MOBILE networks: Bharti/Airtel, Vodafone (formerly Hutch), IDEA/SPICE (all regions but Punjab Spice), Reliance (all regions but Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Bhuneswer, Jaipur, Lucknow, Meerut), BSNL, Tata DoCoMo, Loop Mobile (formerly BPL), Videocon Mobile(formerly Datacom), S-Tel Mobile, MTNL, TTML & TTSL (postpaid), HFCL Infotel/Ping Mobile, Telenor/Uninor
Toll-Free numbers are reachable from the following FIX networks: BSNL (all regions but Bhopal), MTNL, Bharti/Airtel, Tata DoCoMo, Reliance, MTS India/Shyam, TTML & TTSL
Toll-Free numbers are NOT reachable from the following networks: TTSL (Prepaid), Etisalat DB Telecom
Local NRA(s) :
Department of Telecommunications
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) corresponding to relevant geographic zone is required. The customer will submit to [Magic Telecom] the required address before activating the number and keep the information updated during use.
Nomadic numbers (076) shall only be distributed to Irish residents or to those who have a real and substantive association with Ireland.
Service Restriction(s):
For national numbers purchased after 06/02/2013,reachability issues have been reported when calling from outside Ireland
Toll-Free numbers purchased before 20/10/2010 are not reachable from mobile networks and payphones.
Toll-Free numbers purchased between 20/10/2010 and 01/09/2012 are not reachable from payphones.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Ireland.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Non Geographical numbers cannot access Emergency services.
Local NRA(s) :
Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) 353 1 804 9600
Legal Restriction(s):
P-asserted identity headers are not allowed.
Service Restriction(s):
Reachability issues have been reported when dialing the numbers from Paltel and Jawwal (Palestinian Telco's).
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Israel.
Calling a Toll-Free number from a mobile phone is not free of charge.
SMS is not supported.
Toll-Free numbers purchased after February 3rd 2014 are not reachable from payphones
Local NRA(s) :
Ministry of Communications
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by [Magic Telecom], Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Customers providing ECS must be notified operators and must provide services to end users
Service Restriction(s):
199 numbers are reachable from Italy only.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
Toll-Free numbers are reachable from the following mobile networks: TIM, Wind, 3, Vodafone, Fastweb. They are reachable from the following fixed networks : TI, Vodafone Fix, Tiscali, Wind, Fastweb. We are working on extending the reachability from the following networks: BT, COLT.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is limited to numbers operated by the following service providers : Telecom Italia, Fastweb, Tiscaly, COLT, BT Italy, CloudItalia, Infracom and UNO Communications
Local NRA(s) :
L Autorita per le Garanzie nelle Communicazioni (AGCOM) 39 06 696 441
Legal Restriction(s):
No restriction reported.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from payphones.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Japan.
T38 is supported for DIDs purchased after 31/10/2012.
SMS is not supported.
Local NRA(s) :
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by [Magic Telecom], Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Service operators to which numbers are allocated are supposed to notify their activities to the Regulator.
Cannot be used for calling-card applications.
Service Restriction(s):
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Local NRA(s) :
Public Utilities Commission or PUC (Sabiedrisko Pakalpojumo Regulesanas Komisija
Electronic Communications Office 371 733 30 34
Legal Restriction(s):
No restriction reported.
Service Restriction(s):
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available for geographical numbers.
Local NRA(s) :
Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) 370 5 210 5633
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by [Magic Telecom], Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Service Restriction(s):
Toll-Free may not be reachable from some countries abroad
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Non Geographical numbers cannot access Emergency services (but VoIP numbers (020) can)
Local NRA(s) :
Institut de Luxembourgeois de Regulation (ILR) 352 45 88 45 1
Legal Restriction(s):
For geographical numbers, the location of the end user (place of residence/business) must be within the relevant geographic zone. If requested by [Magic Telecom], Customer shall send the location of the end user (place of residence/business) within 24 hours of receiving the request, otherwise the number may be disconnected.
Passport or ID copy. In case registration process is performed under a company name, the company registration certificate shall be provided instead of passport or ID copy.
Proof of address form (copy of utility bill no older than 6 months).
Service Restriction(s):
Intermittent international reachability issues may prevail.
FAX is not supported.
SMS is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Intermittent DTMF issues may occur with international calls.
T.38 is not supported.
Local NRA(s) :
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission 60386888000
Legal Restriction(s):
No restriction reported.
Service Restriction(s):
SMS is not supported.
T.38 is not supported.
Number portability is not available.
Local NRA(s) :
Malta Communications Authority (MCA) 356 21 336 840
Legal Restriction(s):
DIDs and Toll-Frees from Mexico cannot be assigned to companies based in Mexico or that have operations in Mexico.
DIDs cannot be used for calling card applications.
Service Restriction(s):
Reachability issues for both voice and fax have been reported when dialing from outside Mexico.
Compatibility issues have been reported for international fax transmissions.
SMS is not supported.
Toll-Free numbers are not reachable from other countries than Mexico.
Local NRA(s) :
Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones (CFT) 52 5 261 4000